Title of the post "Making your place your happy space"

Making your place your happy space… that’s what decluttering and organising is all about, when you think about it. Our mission has always been to help busy women find more calm and clarity through decluttering and organising. And as professional organisers, we know have seen how important happiness is for our overall well-being. Our homes are not only a physical space; they’re a reflection of our inner world. So this week, as we celebrate National Organising Week, its theme “Making your place your happy space” resonates deeply with our work and values.

How a decluttered and organised home contributes to well-being

Your home is more than just a place to sleep and store your belongings. It’s a sanctuary, a refuge from the outside world, and a space where you should feel at ease. So it’s no surprise that the state of your home significantly impacts your emotional well-being, mental clarity, and overall happiness. Here’s why:

Mental health:

A cluttered and disorganised environment can contribute to stress, anxiety, and even depression. On the other hand, a well-organised and aesthetically pleasing space can boost your mood, reduce stress levels, and enhance your mental health. When your surroundings are in harmony, and your home is organised, your mind is more likely to follow suit.


A tidy and more organised home is conducive to productivity. When your space is clutter-free and everything has its designated place, you’ll find it easier to focus on your tasks. A clean and well-organised environment can help you complete your daily activities more efficiently, which can lead to a greater sense of accomplishment and happiness.


Your home should be a place where you can unwind and relax after a long day. When you come home to a space that is clutter-free and well-organised, you can experience a profound sense of serenity. Your home should be your haven, a place where you can escape from the chaos of the world and recharge your spirit.


A happy, organised can home nurture creativity. When you’re in a space that you love and feel comfortable in, your mind is more open to new ideas and inspiration. This can lead to personal growth and self-discovery, contributing to your overall happiness and fulfilment.


A well-kept and inviting home encourages social connection. It’s a place where you can host friends and family, strengthening your bonds with loved ones and creating lasting memories. Sharing your happy space with others can bring you even more joy.

An organised shelf of toys trimmed with bunting, with a plaque that reads Dream Play Create Sing

How to create your happy space

Now that we’ve established the importance of being happy in your home, let’s explore how you can start creating your own happy space. Here are some practical tips to get you started:


You’ve heard it before, but the first step to a happier, more organised home really is to declutter. Remove items that you no longer need or love. Be ruthless in your decision-making process, and keep only the things that bring you joy and serve a purpose in your life.


After decluttering, it’s time to organise. Select storage solutions that fit your space and make it easy to keep things tidy. Label containers and storage areas to help you stay more organised.

Create zones:

Organise your home into functional zones. Have a designated workspace, a relaxation area, and a dining space. This separation can help you maintain a clear distinction between work and leisure, which is great for stress levels.


Make your home uniquely yours by adding personal touches. Display photos, artwork, and items that hold sentimental value. Surround yourself with the things that make you smile.

Colour and lighting:

The colour and lighting in your home can greatly influence your mood. Choose colours that resonate with you and create a sense of calm or joy. Opt for good lighting that brightens your space and lifts your spirits.

Bring nature in:

Adding plants or flowers to your home can bring a touch of nature indoors, creating a peaceful and refreshing atmosphere.


Regularly maintain your home’s cleanliness and organisation. Good habits are key! Make it a habit to declutter and tidy up regularly to ensure your happy space stays that way.

Creating a happy space in your home is not just a decorative or organisational chore; it’s an investment in your well-being. Your home has the power to influence your mental and emotional state, your creativity, and your overall happiness. During National Organising Week, professional organisers around the UK are encouraging you to take the time to declutter, organise, and transform your home into a place of joy, serenity, and connection. Remember that the journey to a happy home is ongoing. By making your place your happy space, you’re not only improving your life but also setting the stage for a brighter and more fulfilling future.

If you’d like some help to transform your place into your happy place, get in touch to book your free of charge initial consultation. We’ll help you to understand what ‘s working in your home, and what changes you can make, so that we can work together to make your space your happy place.

And you can follow National Organising Week from 6th-12th November 2023 for inspiring content and practical tips from other APDO-registered professional organisers across the UK. #NOWorganise

How can you make your place your happy space this National Organising Week? Please share in the comments and let’s start the conversation!

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